Rights and obligations of a citizen

The Rights Of A Citizen
Rights are privileges trusted upon a person or a group of persons by law to be enjoyed by such individuals in a country.  These rights, however, are not absolute, since they are limited by the rights of other citizens in given state. If these rights are trampled upon by another individual or government, such individual whose right is infringed upon can seek redress in the court of law. In every civilized country of the world, these rights are usually written out in the constitution. These rights are usually regarded as inalienable rights.
     In our country Nigeria, these are entrenched in the constitution and are called the fundamental human rights. They are found in chapter IV of the 1999 constitution.
   Rights can be divided into two basic categories-political and civil rights. The political rights of a citizen entail the right to be elected, the right to elect, equal accessibility to governmental offices or positions and the right to constructively criticize the government, as long as this freedom of opinion and of the press is not instigate the people against the constructively criticize the government, as long as this freedom of opinion and of the press is not to instigate the people against the constituted authorities.
     Civil rights are rights given and protected by the nation for her nationals and each national, irrespective of his or her political, social and economic status is expected to enjoy these rights. This is also applicable to foreigners through with some conditions. This rights shall be treated in line with 1999 constitution.

Right to Life

Section 33 (1) states that every person has right to life, and no one shall be deprived intentionally of his or her life, save in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offense of which he has been found guilty in Nigeria. This is the very first right and it can be regarded as the zenith of existence. This is true in the sense that no human being has the right to terminate his or her life. That is, the state does not permit suicide or homicide for any citizen.

Right To Dignity Of Human Persons

Section 34 (1) supports this. It states that every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person. This means that no citizen should be subjected to any form of torture or dehumanized in any form,or subjected to slavery.

Right To Personal Liberty

This is supported by section 35 (1). This section states that every person shall be entitled to his personal liberty and no person shall be deprived of such liberty. It is this liberty that makes a man to become what he wants to become in life and in destiny. He shall not be forced to become otherwise. He can decide to be a driver or truck-pusher. He has the personal liberty to do so. He may also want to become a professor. As he follows the path thereof, he can become one. It is his personal liberty.

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