What is Political Socialization? Explaining the major agents of Political Socialization.

Political Socialization is defined as the
process of acquiring political beliefs, values, attitudes as well as
citizenship training that shapes a citizen’s political behaviour.


  • FAMILY UNIT: Transmission of
    knowledge about politics, authority and allocation of values probably start at
    home. The child’s knowledge and experience of political
    activities start at family unit.
  •  PEER GROUP: The group one moves
    with helps to dictate or at least influence one’s
    political emotion. 
  •  INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING: Schools, Colleges and other educational institutions provide avenue for
    political talks, debates and discussions which are
    basic socialising agents.
  •  SOCIAL/RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS: Members of social or religious institutions
    like, social club, religious centres, associations
    etc. do engage in political arguments
    and discussions by which members become politically
    MEDIA: Radio or T.V, Newspapers etc. disseminate a lot of political news and also analyse political issues thereby
    socialising listeners, readers and
    viewers politically.
    PARTIES: They educate their members, people through
    their manifestos, campaign rallies etc. thereby
    stimulating people’s political awareness.
  •  PRESSURE GROUPS: Pressure groups equally educate their members
    and even the   public through conferences, seminars etc.
    especially in the   areas of political and civic rights

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