Ecological factors

Simple Measurement of ecological factors

The abiotic factors are known to play a major role in the environment. The lists of abiotic factors are:
•soil (edaphic factors),
•Atmospheric gases.
These lists of the abiotic factors affect the ecosystem differently as well interact with the biotic factors in an environment.
The Soil or Edaphic Factors
The edaphic factors are the abiotic factors that affect the. These factors are subdivided into:
•Soil texture – The texture of the soil varies and depends on particles like clay to larger particles like sand. Sandy soils are suitable for growing plants and are well aerated and are easy to cultivate. Sandy soils cannot keep hold of much water and has few nutrients required for plant growth.
•Soil air – Soil air is the spaces between the soil particles where it is not filled with soil water. The soil air in a particular soil sample determines its firmness.
•Temperature of soil – The temperature of the soil is a crucial factor, temperature of soil less than 30cm is said to be constant although there are seasonal variations. The decaying caused by decay-causing microorganisms is small at lower temperature.
•Soil water – Soil water can be divided into three types – capillary water, hygroscopic water and gravitational water.
•Soil pH – The pH of the soil affects the biological activity of the soil and a few mineral’s availability. The pH of soil affects the growth and development of plants.
•The organisms and the decaying material in the soil are referred to as soil solution and this increases the fertility of the soil.
Light is the primary source of energy to more or less all type of ecosystems. The light energy is made use of by the autotrophs to manufacture food by the process of photosynthesis with a combination of other inorganic substances.
The factors of light like its quality, intensity and the length or duration of light play a crucial role in an ecosystem.
•The quality of light affects the aquatic ecosystems environment, the blue and red light is mostly absorbed here and this does not penetrate deep into the water. Some algae have particular pigments that enable them to as well absorb the other colors of light.
•The intensity of light or light intensity depends on the latitude and the season of the year. During the period from March to September, the Southern Hemisphere receives below 12 hours of sunlight whereas it receives more than 12 hours of sunlight during the remaining part of the year.
•A number of plants flower merely during a specific time of the year.
One of the factors is as a result of the length of dark period. Depending on the intensity of light the plants are classified as short-day plants (Example Chrysanthemum sp., Datura stramonium etc.) Long-day plants (Examples – Spinach, barley, wheat, radish, clover, etc.) Day-neutral plants (Examples – Tomato, maize, etc.)
Temperature affects the distribution of plants and animals. The occurrence of frost is crucial to determining the distribution of plants as the majority of the plants cannot alter the freezing of their tissues. Below are some examples of the effects of temperature in plants and animals:
•The blooming of flowers either in the day or night is as a result of the temperature difference between day and night.
•Some biennial plants sprout during spring or summer and this is referred to as vernalization.
•Some fruit trees need cold temperature in order to blossom or produce flower in the spring time.
•Animals have a clear distinction between being cold blooded or warm blooded.
•Seasonal migration is observed in a few animals.
Habitats of animals and plants differ greatly. It could range from aquatic environments to the dry deserts. Water is an essential requirement for life and every biotic components of the ecosystem are directly dependent on water for their growth and survival.
Based on the water requirements of plants, they are classified as:
•Hydrophytes (Example – Water lilies)
•Mesophytes (Example – Sweet pea, roses)
•Xerophytes (Example – Cacti, succulent plants)
Land animals are prone to desiccation and these animals demonstrate different types of adaptations in order to prevent this from occurring. Some of the adaptations noticeable in terrestrial animals are:
•Body covering which reduces loss of water.
•A few animals possess sweat glands which are employed as cooling devices.
•The tissues of a few animals such as camel are tolerant to water loss.
•Some insects are known to absorb water from the water vapor directly from the atmosphere.
Air currents also known as winds are a result of interaction that exists between expansion of hot air and convection in the mid latitudes. This composite interaction affects the earth’s rotation and leads to a centrifugal force which lifts the air at the equator. Some of the consequences of wind are:
•Winds as well carry water vapor; which may undergo condensation and precipitate in the form of rainfall, hail or snow.
•It also assists in the dispersal of pollen grains of a few plants as well as in the dispersal of insects.
•Wind erosion as well leads to dispersal of topsoil.
Atmospheric Gases
Atmospheric gases are gases like oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide:
•All organisms need oxygen for respiration.
•Carbon dioxide is utilized by green plants to manufacture food by the process of photosynthesis.
•Nitrogen is essential for all plants and atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by nitrogen fixing bacteria through the action of lightening.
Topography or shape of the land is the landscape shapes and is determined by the aspects of slopes and elevations. Topography gives diversity to the ecosystems. For instance: The grassland topography is made up of various forms like hills, prairies, cliffs, low lying areas and so on which offers variability to living organisms.
•The aspect of the direction of the land facing also varies as the land facing towards the south or the sun ar hotter and drier than areas in the north, which are away from the sun.
•Slope of on areas is as well crucial due to the fact that water may run downhill and may soak in ground which makes it accessible for plants. The areas in the southern part with slopes will be much hotter and drier than the northern areas with slopes.
Climate of a region involves the average rainfall, temperature and the patterns of winds that take place in that region. Climate is one of the most crucial abiotic factors of an ecosystem.
•Temperature of an area and the precipitation factor regulates the type of vegetation in the area like whether the region is grassland or a forest.
•The rainfall in an area affects the productivity of the area and the types of plants that would grow and thrive there. For instance: The climate in a grassland ecosystem is dry and hot during the spring and summer and is cool and cold during the winter.
•Precipitation in winter is snow instead of rainfall. During summers, more water is evaporated from the grasslands making the region deficient of moisture.

Abiotic Factors – Affecting an Organism

The properties of temperature, pressure, humidity rainfall, sunshine cloud and wind in a given place and time is what is termed as the weather condition of that place. The average weather conditions of an area, which as well incorporates the atmospheric conditions, season and so on is what made up what is known as the climate.

Climatic Factors

Temperature is one of the crucial and alterable environmental factors. It penetrates into all region of the biosphere and deeply influences every forms of life by increasing or decreasing a few of the vital activities of the organism. It is commonly a limiting factor for the growth or distribution of animals and plants.
– Humidity
Humidity is the amount of water vapour available in the atmosphere. It can be measured by a Hygrometer. Humidity is to a great extent affected by intensity of solar radiation, temperature, altitude, wind exposure, cover and water condition of the soil.
– Wind
The wind is the air in motion. Wind velocity can be measured with an Anemometer. It is an essential ecological factor of the atmosphere that affects greatly the plant life on flat plains, along sea coasts and at high altitudes in mountains.
– Rainfall and Water
Rainfall is a source for ground water and relative humidity. The amount of rainfall greatly affects the vegetation as well as animal population of a particular region.
– Atmospheric Gases
The gases present in the atmosphere are mainly oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen which to a great extent influence the life of living organisms.

Edaphic Factors

The word soil is derived from the Latin word solum meaning earthy material in which plants grow. The science which deals with the study of soil is known as Soil Science, Pedology (pedos = earth) or edaphology (edaphos = soil).

Ecological Adaptations

The phenotype is the physical expression of the organism. The phenotype exhibits variations as a result of variations in the environmental conditions in a habitat.
Aerial Habitat
A few organisms have become secondarily adapted for aerial existence. Organisms that are able to do their activities in the aerial environment are known as aerial or arboreal organisms.
Aquatic Habitat
Water form the habitat of a huge variety of organisms. These organisms are known as aquatic organisms. The aquatic habitat be fresh water or marine environment.
Terrestrial Habitat
Land makes available a wide variety of habitat for the organisms. Organisms whose life depends on land are called as terrestrial organisms.
Hydrophytic Habitat
This is a habitat with excessive water supply. The plants growing in this kind of environment do not face the problems of water loss as a result of transpiration, wilting and drought. They are referred to as hydrophytes.

Ecological Adaptation in plants

– Mesophytes
These are land plants which grow in moist habitats and need well aerated soils. They prefer soil and air with moderate humidity. They keep away from soils that are waterlogged and soils that contain great quantity of salts.
– Xerophytes
These are plants adapted to grow in dry habitats. They are divided into three categories on the basis of their morphology and life – cycle pattern.
– Halophytes
The plants, which grow and thrive in salty habitats, are referred to as Halophytes. There is lofty concentration of salts like sodium chloride, MgSO4 and so on in these habitats. As the habitat is physiologically dry as a result of the salt contents, the halophytes exhibits characteristics similar to those of Xerophytes.

Adaptation to Environment In Animals

Animals as well have to face the problem of water scarcity or abundance. They also have to meet a variety of vagaries of nature. Therefor, for their survival under these conditions, animals have as well developed a number of adaptations to meet the challenges.
Adaptations for flight are known as volant adaptations. Bats, birds and insects are well adapted for an energetic flight.

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